
Trademark: vetro Artistico di Murano

The trademark and consequent labels "Vetro Artistico di Murano".


Fabbrica Lampadari Murano relates in this way to the initiative owned by the Veneto region and managed by the Promovetro consortium: 

Summarizing The Veneto Region, sole owner of the "Vetro Artistico di Murano" label

has granted the Promovetro Consortium, a group of small businesses in the Murano glass sector, the management of this trade mark. 

This label "Vetro Artistico di Murano" is applied only to products created

on the island of Murano with criteria in line with the traditions of Murano glass.

Labels, QR codes and anything else with the wording


that will be placed on the products of those

COMPANIES THAT JOIN THE INITIATIVE, and that are able to meet the necessary

necessary requirements. Membership of the label is voluntary and not compulsory.

The initiative is accompanied by an advertising campaign and other initiatives.

The campaign is aimed at increasing the knowledge and appreciation of Murano glass products

and will be financed mainly by the Veneto region and other public authorities.

We take a very positive view of this initiative with regard to the brand project and the undoubted opportunities it offers to small artisans.

Fabbrica lampadari Murano is not participating in the initiative at the moment because: 

1. We think we are able and able to independently guarantee the quality and origin of our products.

2. We also think we can and must support our brand through specific and autonomous marketing fully capable of supporting our products in Europe and the rest of the world. 

Many thanks to all our customers who make this possible.