La Venexiana Atelier, born in 1991, founds its roots into the "mascareri" history and culture. Masks always ruled in Venice: they was absolutely the main actors during past societies, and from those societies Venice theaters knew a wealthy time with "la Commedia dell'arte".
Moreover, during carnival venetian masks reachs their greatest expression. Even the craftman changes from a simple worker to an artist, inflecting wisely history and fantasy in a perfect armony. Since ever the "Maestro" Lojacono gets inspired when he accomplishes ancient working techniques, creating each time unique pieces according to venetian tradition.

Let's follow the steps in order to create a mask:
1 - With opportune attention we protect the face with vegetable vaseline to avoid that the quick-drying plaster sticks on the skin.
2 - After having prepared the quick-drying plaster, we start spalming delicately on the part interested, leaving suitably free for respiration.
3 - After about 15 mins. The plaster is dry, we take the mould off the face and make the mask in paper maché.
4 - After preparing the design of the model required, we begin to shape the sculpture in clay.
5 - Using special chisels we start to model until we obtain the form wanted.
6 - The last stage of work is consisted in removing all imperfections from the model levelling with soft bristle-brushes and water.
7 - After about 30 mins. We are able to overturn the mould and remove the clay, the mould will then be washed and protected with alcoholic-varnish.
8 - After having spalmed with vegetable vaseline we start to lay some absorbent paper pressing with fingertips to impress perfectly all the features of the mask.
9 - After having spalmed with vegetable vaseline we start to lay some absorbent paper pressing with fingertips to impress perfectly all the features of the mask.
10 - As for the strength of the mask we fix small pieces of paper, like sicholl (wallpaper) with glue, to make the masks more elastic we use vinyl glue. This process is done three or four times according to the size of the mask.
11 - Once dry the mask is taken from the mould and levelled with sand paper to take away all imperfections made by joining.
12 - With the help of a bistoury and a pair of strong scissers we start to shape and cut for eyes, nose and mouth.
13 - After having finished the edges of the mask the edges of mask we spalm a veil of plaster diluted with water and glue. This last part is applicated at least two or three times, leaving a day for one application to another for drying process.
14 - Having prepared the base with the classic plaster we pass on to the decoration with the use of oil colours "acrylic" tempera or gold and silver leaf like in this case.
15 - Protecting the mask with the appropriate varnish we are able to age or to glaze in a way to make lineaments more outstanding.